Sit Back And Enjoy The Ride

        I've been writing a story for a friend of mine for some time now and, by 'some time' I mean years- you, fellow writers, you know of what I speak. Sometimes it is not so much the destination of a story but the journey it takes you on. I found this out the hard way, about three years into the hard way.

        The story started out one way and took so many turns I scarcely remember what the original tale even looked like, which, I have come to figure out, is not all together a bad thing. Along the way I've discovered my characters, who they are, what they will put up with, where they draw the line in terms of their imitations. It's like getting to know brand new set of friends.
I love this part of writing.
I just hate the lengths it takes sometimes to get here, where I need to be...

        It never used to be this hard for me to write. There was a time when I would put pen to paper and whatever I had inside of me would just flow through me like water from a fountain, easy and endless.
Oh, how I've missed those times...
But, the older I've gotten the more I've come to terms with the fact that if my talent had ever really left me it was of my own doing, and no one else's. I'm the one who didn't pick up a writing stylus/apparatus of any kind and find the effort to put down what I thought up.

        I usually chalked it up to bad timing (why am I at my most creative when I'm in bed in the most perfect spot, the one where your body is cupped like it was laying in the hands of God, or when I'm extremely exhausted?), wrong place (how come my ideas always come to me when I'm standing at the bus stop with my arms full of shopping bags, or sitting on the metro realizing that I left my notebook, which I always carry with me, on the kitchen table back at the apartment?). Or just plane having no faith in the words or thoughts that came to me, not believing them worthy, or creative enough to record.
Whatever the reason, I am all out of excuses.

There is a reason for everything.

        Maybe I'm writing a different story at this new stage in my life? What if I'm suppose to write the stories I'm writing now? Maybe those stories I created before were just a prologue to what I have to tell now? 
If that's the case then, I, for one can't wait to see what happens next.
